Victoria Tisch's blog

Victoria Tisch's picture

Accepting Nominations for the Harriette Walters Leadership Award

February 9, 2022 - 7:43pm -- Victoria Tisch

We are now accepting nominations for the Harriette Walters Leadership Award!

See below for full details.


Please submit your nomination by no later than March 15, 2022.

Email to Lori Britt-Horvath at [email protected] or use the online form on the Members Only regional website at


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Leadership Day 2022 with Michael Gellert

February 6, 2022 - 7:05pm -- Victoria Tisch
On Saturday, February 5 we gathered on Zoom for Region 15’s annual Leadership Day to learn from Michael Gellert. This year’s session was focused on Musical Leadership - but the program was open to everyone. The event was moderated by Region 15 Education Coordinator, Jean Schoenlank, and was attended by close to 100 musical leaders from around the region – as well guests from Region 1, Region 19, and Harmony, Inc.
Many thanks to Michael Gellert and Jean Schoenlank for an amazing morning!
Not able to Leadership Day?
Victoria Tisch's picture

Leadership Day 2021 Videos Now Available!

December 4, 2021 - 2:46am -- Victoria Tisch
Region 15 Leadership Day 2021 took place on February 6 via Zoom. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. Our gratitude goes out to Karen Breidert (International Master Faculty), Debra Aungst (Chair of the SAI Membership Retention Committee), Education Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, and the Regional Management Team.
Not able to Leadership Day?
Were you there, but missed one of the sessions?
We are excited to announce that all Leadership Day 2021 session were recorded.
Victoria Tisch's picture

Region 15 Celebrates Our 2021 Members of Note and Golden Members

November 20, 2021 - 10:56pm -- Victoria Tisch
Greater NY/NJ Region 15 gathered virtually on Facebook Live on Friday, October 22 to celebrate some very special members.
Melissa Prew (Region 15 Membership Coordinator) and Evelyn Langenstein (Spirit of Syracuse) served as our emcees for the evening. They named our 2021 Golden Members, and were joined by representatives from each of our nineteen chapters to announce this year’s Members of Note.
Click to jump down for more details on these two distinctions, and to see the full list of honorees:
Victoria Tisch's picture

VocalFest 2021 Materials Now Available!

November 20, 2021 - 6:51pm -- Victoria Tisch
Region 15 Vocal Fest 2021 took place on September 18 via Zoom. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. Our gratitude goes out to all those who made this day possible: Guest Faculty Kim Newcomb and Jan Carley, our Region 15 Faculty, Education Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, and the Regional Management Team.
Not able to attend VocalFest? 
Were you there, but missed one of the sessions?
We are excited to announce that all VocalFest 2021 session were recorded.
Victoria Tisch's picture

Judge Specialists Inform and Illuminate at ASK THE JUDGES

November 20, 2021 - 1:32pm -- Victoria Tisch
On Friday, November 19, the Region 15 Management Team hosted ASK THE JUDGES!
This virtual event featured a roundtable discussion, led by Region 15 Education Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, with our four Sweet Adelines Judge Specialists: 
Beth Smith (Sound)
Jana Gutenson (Music)
Vickie Maybury (Expression)
Becki Hine (Visual Communication)
Victoria Tisch's picture

My Favorite Warmup Videos

August 15, 2021 - 6:15pm -- Victoria Tisch
The Region 15 Management Team had planned a virtual event on Friday, August 13 featuring "My Favorite Warmups and Vocal Wellness," which was to be crowd-sourced with videos from around the region. As announced in our all-member email on August 8, there was some good news and some bad news...
The good news: Many of our choruses have been taking advantage of the warmer weather and vaccination status to meet (safely!) for singing in-person over the past couple of months, and many members have been increasing their social activities and vacation plans.
Victoria Tisch's picture

Region 15 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Roundtable

July 22, 2021 - 1:14pm -- Victoria Tisch
On Friday, July 16, Region 15 held a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Roundtable.
The event was co-hosted by Lori Britt-Horvath (Region 15 Team Coordinator & SAI Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council Chair) and Alexis DePersia-Norelli (Region 15 Faculty Member), and they were joined by a number of special guests: Facilitator / Faculty Mo Field (Director of Great Northern Union Chorus & Vocal Performance Coach), and Panelists Mia Andor Baz, Donnetta Hawkins, Lauren Reid, and Roberta Smith.
Victoria Tisch's picture


June 21, 2021 - 12:02pm -- Victoria Tisch
Since we couldn't be together in Albany this year to observe our usual regional contest weekend traditions, we gathered virtually on Facebook Live for our Region 15 2021 Longevity Award Celebration. On Friday evening, June 18, we honored and recognized individual SAI members from across the region celebrating milestone membership anniversaries this year. Congratulations to all!
And may our 2022 Longevity Awards be presented live in a ballroom in Albany!


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