Victoria Tisch's blog

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Sweet Adelines International Announces Diamond Division Quartet Contest

April 7, 2020 - 1:44pm -- Victoria Tisch
As announced in an all-member message from Patty Cobb Baker on April 6, 2020...
Dear Sweet Adelines Member,
We have some exciting news! Approved at the March meeting of the International Board of Directors is the 2020 Diamond Division Quartet Contest, an adjudicated barbershop quartet competition for Sweet Adelines singers age 55 and older.
In this 75th anniversary year of Sweet Adelines International, we are so excited to offer this opportunity for quartet singers and for our audiences. Watch the official announcement below from
Victoria Tisch's picture

A Message from International President, Patty Cobb Baker

March 31, 2020 - 7:35pm -- Victoria Tisch
March 31, 2020
Dear Sweet Adelines Member,
We hope this message finds you all safe and well. We are writing today to share a video from Sweet Adelines International President Patty Cobb Baker in which she provides information about policy changes enacted to help our members through this difficult time. She also introduces upcoming virtual educational offerings and discusses factors being considered regarding the 2020 International convention and competition.   
Victoria Tisch's picture

A Message from Beth Fulton, Region 15 Team Coordinator (3.19.2020)

March 19, 2020 - 7:39pm -- Victoria Tisch
The following email was sent to all members of Region 15 on March 19, 2020

Dear Fellow Members of Region 15:
We hope this note finds you and yours doing well - staying in, staying healthy, and staying safe.
We’re excited by all of the creative ways that choruses are “getting together” virtually, and how people are uniting (with proper social-distancing, of course) amidst all of the adversity. It’s heartening in uncertain times to be part of such a special community.
Victoria Tisch's picture


February 26, 2020 - 2:34pm -- Victoria Tisch
We are now accepting nominations for the Harriette Walters Leadership Award!
See below for full details.
Please submit your nomination by no later than April 1, 2020.
Email to Beth Fulton at [email protected], or use the online form on the Members Only regional website at
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