Liberty Oak Chorus
We are thrilled to be the 2019 Regional Championship Chorus with our highest score ever of 677! We have worked tirelessly this past year with coaches Jim Arns, Renee Porzel, Karen Breidert, Dale Syverson, Peggy Gram and Michael Gellert.
The year was filled with great times along with very sad times with the loss of one of our long time members, Jean Revere Ferguson. It took us all a time to recover from her sudden loss and we’re still not there yet. We miss her deeply! We dedicated our regional performance to Jean. She was surely with us on stage in Albany. We have established a scholarship in Jean’s name to be presented to the winner by Jean’s son and daughter who find their way to our many performances where they feel the presence of their mom the most. There are times we hear Jean’s clear tenor voice on our risers at rehearsal.
Life goes on as we all know and we continue to work with our coaches to get ready for Louisville, Kentucky in 2020! Congratulations to our Sisters in Harmony in Harmony Celebration Chorus. We are anxiously awaiting the Wild Card Spots since our two choruses seem to like traveling together and representing the Greater NY/NJ Region 15 at International these past several years.
Submitted by Dolly Power