Region 15 Shines Bright in Louisville! (Sweet Adelines International 2023)

Victoria Tisch's picture
November 7, 2023 - 4:03pm -- Victoria Tisch
Region 15 was thrilled and honored to be represented by SIX talented ensembles at Sweet Adelines International 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky (October 30 – November 4).
  • Greater Nassau Chorus
  • Sirens of Gotham Chorus
  • Illuminate Quartet
  • Harmony Quartet
  • VOCE Quartet
  • Lucille Quartet
It was wonderful to come together for the Region 15 International Pep Rally on Tuesday evening, October 31 (all treats, no tricks!) to send all of these competitors off to the stage with our love and support.
This year’s competition really knocked our socks off! We were treated to some truly magnificent performances.
Region 15 Recap:
• Illuminate and Harmony – Cheers on your beautiful Semifinals sets! You did us so very proud.
• Lucille (7th Place) and VOCE (9th Place) – Brava on making Top Ten! We celebrate and applaud your success.
• Greater Nassau Chorus (11th Place) – Thanks for serving up delicious Broadway harmony from "Harriette's Stardust Diner" in your mic tester performance!
• Sirens of Gotham Chorus (12th Place) – Congratulations this great finish in your International Semifinals debut!
We were also excited to cheer for Region 15's own Jeanne Viscito, who competed with Harmony on the Sound (Region 1) – and all Region 15 alums who took the stage in Louisville!
Region 15’s very own Katie Blackwood (Master Director, Liberty Oak Chorus & Baritone of Just 4 Quartet) also served as a webcast host for the second session of the chorus semifinals, alongside Renée Porzel. Hooray, Katie!


Congratulations to all of the 2024 Sweet Adelines International Champions:
  • Harmony Classic Division AA Champion: Melodeers Chorus
  • Harmony Classic Division A Champion: Brindabella Chorus
  • International Champion Quartet: Lady A Cappella
  • International Champion Chorus: Lions Gate Chorus
What a phenomenal week of harmony!