- Supports the job of the Regional Communication Coordinator by keep ing member and chorus contact information up to date.
- Inputs or deletes members and contact information into the Regional Directory to keep communications accurate.
- Add and deletes Officer Positions in the directory.
Why is this job so important?
- The region is not notified by SAI when a member leaves, joins or changes contact information. The user admin bridges that gap.
- If a member and officer information is not put in the system they cannot sign into the members only site and will
not receive email from the region or be able to access event and music information. - Past members will still have access to the website if not removed.
What do I do about dual members?
Dual Members will have BOTH choruses listed under “role.” For purposes of the website, it doesn't matter which is primary.
How often should I update Information?
• Add new members when they join. Delete or change when membership changes.
• Members who have a contact information should be able to make those changes on their own.
• Chapter Officer Information (Chorus Positions) should be updated as soon as an election is held each Spring.
What do I do when a member leaves the chorus?
• If they are transferring to CAL or another chorus, add the role of “Chapter at Large” or “between choruses” and delete your chorus name.
• If they are leaving SAI, cancel their account. If someone from another chorus or CAL joins your chorus, add your chorus role to the account.
Some members can't sign in.
Ask the member to go to the login page and click "Request A New Password."
What happens if some members of my chorus don't get emails?
If you are sure they are in the directory, have them go into their account (top right of the screen) and update their contact information. They should also check their junk mail box.
What if a member doesn't have an email?
When you add the member, give them a fake email ([email protected]) and a real user name and login password. Send them their user name and password so they can sign in if they have access to a computer or smart phone. Any notifications, emails, etc that they miss because they don’t have a real email address can be accessed by clicking the little bell on the top right corner next to their account name.
What if someone doesn't want to be on the regional members only site?
It is strongly recommend that all of your chorus members are connected through the website. If not, they won’t have access to any regional information for contest, or Vocal Fest, since members information (locations, schedules, contest info, Taglines News Quarterly) will be posted on the members site, not the public site. It is also the only way they will receive emails. If they are worried about their personal information, they can make their information private by choosing "High Privacy" on their account. They also have the option of setting their own Notification Settings in their account stating if they want to get a notification via website and or email. It is pretty flexible.
Where can I get help?
There are tutorials in the Regional Document>Web Help section.
Or contact your Region 15 Communications Coordinatorat [email protected]