Heart of NJ Chorus is proud to announce the addition of seven new members since last year's Regional Contest!
Tenor - Anna Conigliano; Baris - Virginia Dearborn and Rosanne Labi-Crawford; Leads - Cheryl Raley and Sherry Barell; Basses - Beverley Willliams, and (former/returning member) yours truly!
The chorus began 2018 with a performance on January 11th at Princeton Windrows, and on February 6th, sang at the Atrium at Navesink to very enthusiastic audiences. We will be performing at Meadow Lakes Assisted Living in June. HONJ returned from our retreat weekend with a wealth of information from coaches Katie Blackwood and Jo Lund; and some great moves from LOC choreographers, Terri and MaryJo! Our heartfelt thanks to each of them for their time and expertise.
We look forward to seeing all of our "sisters in song" in Albany, and extend our best wishes to all competing choruses and quartets a wonderful experience on the "contest stage!"
Chord-ially yours in song and harmony,
Portia Licciardello, HONJ Ensemble Administrator