It’s been a very busy summer/fall for Liberty Oak Chorus with our annual show on October 7th with the Mid- Atlantic quartet champions “Gimme Four”. What a great show! Then a week later, we were the guest chorus at the Oceanaires annual show in Toms River, NJ. The packed audience loved LOC ! We are currently rehearsing with the Brothers in Harmony for their annual show “A Buzz for the Holidays” featuring 3 champions- The Brothers in Harmony, Liberty Oak Chorus and the Buzz! Tickets are selling fast and a full house is expected that day for the show.
Liberty Oak Chorus has just welcomed its 92nd member into our ever growing family. Our newest members are Robin Carberry, Lauren Marden, Judi Ingis, Dana Modena, Shayna Atkinson, Nancy Saul, Laura Partynski and Faith MacDonnell.
We have been busy with holiday performances. On Dec. 8th we will sing for State Nursing Home Volunteers at the Princeton Marriot at Forrestal Center where our annual retreat is held. Speaking of our annual retreat, we can hardly contain our excitement with Dale Syverson and Peggy Gram as our coaches in March. We will also perform on Dec. 21st for a Bariatric Support Group at Centra State Hospital in Freehold. We love spreading holiday cheer and good wishes for the New Year. Michael Gellert, director of Harbor City Music Company will be visiting us in February to work with the chorus as we gear up for evaluation at regional contest and then International Competition in St. Louis!
Liberty Oak Chorus wishes Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas to our sisters in harmony in the Greater NY/NJ Region 15. We will be seeing you in May at regional contest where we will be hostessing the ever- popular boutique! Happy New Year everyone!