Regional Financial Manager
(a regional appointment)
- Ensures all financial resources of the region are accounted for in an effective and efficient manner.
- Coordinates the financial long-range plan in conjunction with other team coordinators.
- Prepares and submits the annual budget for the region.
- Manages bank accounts and investments and keeps accurate and current records of all financial transactions.
- Receives all funds paid to the region and issues all payments.
- Negotiates contracts for services and equipment required by the region.
- Holds the sole authority to sign contracts on behalf of the region.
- Coordinates projects to raise non-dues income (ways and means).
- Presents a report on the region’s financial condition at meetings of the Regional Management Team.
- Prepares an annual financial statement for submission to the Director of Finance and Administration at international headquarters.
- Submits accounting records for audit at the close of the fiscal year to a qualified person (or persons) selected by the management team or for examination or audit at any time as directed by the management team.
- Files Annual 990 tax form with the Internal Revenue Service by September 15th for the preceding year ending April 30th.
- Provides advice and training to chapter treasurers and serves as resource to chapters with financial questions.
- Provides financial information necessary to complete applications for corporate gifts/grants.
- Maintains contact with appropriate staff members at international headquarters.
- Maintains comprehensive records and forwards materials to successor.
- Trains their successor.
- Appoints staff to assist in the implementation of their responsibilities.