May 1 marks our transition to a new Region 15 operating year. Today we welcome a new management team - and also bid one member very fond farewell.
Thank you, Beth Fulton!
Region 15 sends a heartfelt THANK YOU to outgoing Regional Management Team Coordinator, Beth Fulton. She has spent the past six years on the RMT -- four as Membership Coordinator, and two as Team Coordinator -- and also had a prior two-year term as Communications Coordinator. In addition to this, Beth has been a long-time leader in countless management team and music staff chorus roles for Harmony Celebration Chorus, and is the baritone of Region 15's 2018 champion quartet, Just 4 Kicks. Beth will be missed by the RMT, but we know she will continue to be a strong leadership presence, a caring coach and mentor, a thoughtful friend and a fabulous entertainer for all of us in the region. We love you, Beth!
Welcome, Kiara Contreras!
Introducing our new Regional Marketing / PR Coordinator, Kiara Contreras, whose first name appropriately rhymes with tiara! Kiara has been a Sweet Adeline / member of Sirens of Gotham Chorus for four years and the Baritone of Repeat Offenders Quartet for three years. She served as Sirens' Music Secretary and Deputy Baritone Section Leader before joining the RMT. She is a Web Developer with a background in technology, music, and customer service. She volunteers as a teacher and mentor for tech-enthusiastic kids, including those with special needs, and also at Brooklyn Animal Action, caring for rescue animals. The Regional Management Team is thrilled to have her joining our ranks. Please join the RMT in welcoming her and wishing her lots of success, fun, and harmony in her new role.
Your Greater NY/NJ Region 15 Regional Management Team for 2020-2021 looks forward to serving you!
Team Coordinator: Lori Britt-Horvath - Welcome to your new role, Lori!
Education Coordinator: Jean Schoenlank
Events Coordinator: Kay Weiss
Financial Coordinator: Phyllis Capolongo
Communications Coordinator: Victoria Tisch
Marketing Coordinator: Kiara Contreras - Welcome to the team, Kiara!
Membership Coordinator: Melissa Prew
Director Coordinator: Jeanne Elmuccio
Education Coordinator: Jean Schoenlank
Events Coordinator: Kay Weiss
Financial Coordinator: Phyllis Capolongo
Communications Coordinator: Victoria Tisch
Marketing Coordinator: Kiara Contreras - Welcome to the team, Kiara!
Membership Coordinator: Melissa Prew
Director Coordinator: Jeanne Elmuccio