Sweet Adelines International began in 1945 as a small group of women who loved to sing and developed into a nonprofit organization that would eventually bridge continents and unite singers from around the world in their mutual love of music.
The sweet blend of a cappella barbershop harmony is the heartbeat of this nearly 23,000-member worldwide organization. With more than 70 years of barbershop history, Sweet Adelines International provides a legacy of joy and passion for singing to those members who experience the unity and lifelong friendships on the choral risers each week. As one of the largest associations of singers on earth, Sweet Adelines continues to positively impact members' lives and helps them find their voices, build confidence, enhance their vocal abilities, improve leadership and management qualities, and create a lifelong support system of unity and friendship.
The Greater NY/NJ Region #15 of Sweet Adelines International is dedicated to empowering singers through education, passion, and innovation. With almost 800 members in 18 choruses and dozens of quartets, Region 15 is sharing the love of harmony from Northern New Jersey across Long Island, North of Albany and West towards Rochester! We'd love to share harmony with you!
(Image: Sympatico Quartet, 2024 Region 15 Open Division Audience Choice Award Winners * Photo Credit: Lindsey Fish)