Per the all-member email issued to Region 15 on March 14, 2020, there is a link available where members can submit all competition cancellation related questions. The Regional Management Team and Regional Compeition Committee will work to address all questions as quickly and effectively as possible.
TO: All Members of Region 15
FROM: Beth Fulton, Team Coordinator, Region 15 Management Team
As you all must know by now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic SAI has decided to cancel all regional competitions this year. They are working on a contingency plan that includes competing via video. I know we are all anxious to hear about this plan and I am sure they are working as hard as they can to get this information out to us.
On the regional level, our Regional Convention Committee is working hard on all the aspects of cancelling our contest in Albany. There are a great amount of details that need to be taken care of so we need to give them some time to handle it. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime, I know you all have a lot of questions, and we want to answer them as quickly and effectively as possible. To do that, we have created a form to gather any questions you might have for us. Please click on the link below to submit your questions, and we will do our best to address them. We will work to answer globally, for the benefit of the whole region.
This was a very difficult decision SAI had to make and I know we are all disappointed – I know I am. But, I also know that I am thankful and appreciative that they did make this decision and are looking out for us to ensure we stay healthy and safe during these crazy times.
Please be safe and be well.
In Harmony,