We had a FABULOUS time on February 1's Leadership Day, led by the inspirational Renee Porzel and our talented Region 15 faculty and Regional Management Team. Over 90 leaders and aspiring leaders from across the region showed up to learn, share our knowledge and experiences, laugh, bond, and -- of course -- sing! Special thanks to our Education Coordinator Jean Schoenlank for planning a great event and providing the perfect venue.
For those who were able to attend, as well as those who could not be with us, session handouts that have been supplied by presenters are available on the Leadership Day event page on the regional website: https://sairegion15.org/leadershipday. (Already posted are Katie Blackwood's PVI handouts and Carolyn Schmidt's info on music selection, Jeanne Elmuccio's arranging program presentation and tips for effective communication from Vicki Tisch. We will supplement this area if additional materials are shared.)
We’re hoping to make Leadership Day a regular part of our regional programming, so stay tuned for information about next year's event!