Twin County Chorus is growing, so much that we had to add a section to our risers! We are an outstanding chorus of 54 members now, most of whom have been with us for years. Our wonderful and talented director, Christine Krowles, who is in her first year as a solo Director, is doing a great job of teaching us songs, improving our techniques, and helping us look and sound our best. Yay, Christine!
We’ve had a very busy Fall. We enjoyed a fabulous coaching weekend with Vickie Maybury, an outstanding Sweet Adelines coach, (http://www.skylinechorus.net/director). We are looking forward to another coaching session with Sharon Babb in January.
On November 20, we held our annual fundraiser, a Basket Raffle and Pasta Dinner, which was great fun, and very successful. We are now rehearsing for a holiday performance at the West Hempstead Public Library, on Sunday, December 11. We are looking forward to our annual Holiday Party on December 22.
We send sincere wishes for Happy Holidays to our family, friends, and fans, and to our 866 sisters in Region 15! Check out our website, http://www.twincountychorus.com/, and "Like" us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/TwinCountyChorus/