Liberty Oak

Our Recent News
The Road to Phoenix and the Top Ten
Liberty Oak Chorus’ journey was not paved in gold. It involved more than two years of Zoom rehearsals and singing in parking lots until the sun went down. We had to stop outdoor rehearsals because we couldn’t see Katie directing us and finding places that would let us sing despite the pandemic was a challenge. But we stayed LOC strong!
Liberty Oak Chorus
We are thrilled to be the 2019 Regional Championship Chorus with our highest score ever of 677! We have worked tirelessly this past year with coaches Jim Arns, Renee Porzel, Karen Breidert, Dale Syverson, Peggy Gram and Michael Gellert.
Our retreat was held at the Princeton Marriott the weekend of March 9-11th with the dynamic coaching duo of Dale Syverson and Peggy Gram. The weekend was exhilarating, educational, exhausting, and great fun! Dale and Peggy work so well together and the chorus responded wonderfully under the direction of our Master Director, Katie Blackwood.
It’s been a very busy summer/fall for Liberty Oak Chorus with our annual show on October 7th with the Mid- Atlantic quartet champions “Gimme Four”. What a great show! Then a week later, we were the guest chorus at the Oceanaires annual show in Toms River, NJ. The packed audience loved LOC ! We are currently rehearsing with the Brothers in Harmony for their annual show “A Buzz for the Holidays” featuring 3 champions- The Brothers in Harmony, Liberty Oak Chorus and the Buzz! Tickets are selling fast and a full house is expected that day for the show.
What a summer Liberty Oak Chorus is having with coaches like Karen Breidert in June to work on musical artistry and finesse and then Jean Barford in July to work on sound. We so enjoyed both of these very talented coaches and continue to work on the techniques given to us to become even better singers!
Liberty Oak Chorus Wins First Place in Albany
What a wonderful experience Liberty Oak Chorus had competing on the International stage in Las Vegas, finishing 18th in the world! Region #15 was well represented at this year’s chorus contest. We were honored to share the stage with Harmony Celebration Chorus.
We were excited to perform for our Applewood residents on Sunday, Dec.4th. They have become our rehearsal family and we love the space they provide for us each and every week. They are our most loyal fans!
Contact us
Contact the Communications Coordinator,
[email protected]
or click here for other members of the RMT and other regional leaders.