We are now accepting nominations for the Harriette Walters Leadership Award!
See below for full details.
Please submit your nomination by no later than March 15, 2023.
Email to Lori Britt-Horvath at [email protected] or use the online form on the Members Only regional website at http://sairegion15.org/Leadershipaward.
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Focus. Enthusiasm. Confidence. Commitment to Excellence. Passion.
These are essential qualities of a great leader, qualities that International Faculty Member and Master Director Harriette Walters demonstrates in every aspect of her Sweet Adelines life. Harriette’s passion for finding, shaping and encouraging Region 15 members to become leaders in their own right was fundamental to our decision to create the annual Region 15 Harriette Walters Leadership Award in her honor. Each year, the Region 15 Management Team will choose a new award recipient from the ranks of its members, based on nominations by any Region 15 member in good standing.
What constitutes a great leader? The qualities listed above are essential. In addition, here are several criteria you should consider when choosing whether to submit a nomination for someone that you know:
* Trustworthiness: This person should be someone others follow willingly.
* Discipline: It is not enough to have good ideas, a great leader helps shape plans to deliver on dreams and aspirations and sets high standards as a role model.
* Ability to identify great ideas: If there is more than one solution to a challenge, this person will make sure all angles are considered. They should be a catalyst for creativity and ideas from their team, chapter, or committee.
* Willingness to motivate and inspire: A great leader knows their weaknesses and collaborates with others to build on everyone’s strengths. This person knows how to delegate AND how to assemble a great team.
* Dedication to ongoing growth: A great leader strives toward high standards and continually raises the bar for excellence.
If you know someone who possesses these qualities and who has made a noteworthy contribution to Region 15, we strongly encourage you to nominate them for the annual Region 15 Harriette Walters Leadership Award.
Eligible for this award is any Region 15 member in good standing whom you believe possesses these qualities**. Your nomination should include a listing of the individual’s past and current contributions to the Sweet Adelines organization, along with a short essay of no more than 250 words describing why you think this individual deserves recognition. This is a one-time award: Past recipients are not eligible for nomination. However, you are welcome to submit qualified candidates as often as you’d like from year to year. You are also welcome to submit more than one candidate, if you feel you know more than one person eligible for this award.
Please submit your nomination by no later than March 15, 2023. Award selections will be made by the Region 15 Regional Management Team, and the presentation will be made during the spring annual contest and convention. We recommend that your nomination (or nominations) be confidential. The element of surprise is priceless.
Send your nomination to me at [email protected] or use the online form on the Members Only regional website at http://sairegion15.org/Leadershipaward.
Past Winners:
Amanda "Sky" Harris
Barbara Festa & Laura Riffaud
Beth Fulton
Mary Connelly
Jeannie Froelich
Jeanne Elmuccio
Barbara Wright
Johanna Herudek
Sharon Putney
Peggy DiSunno
Carol Schultheis
Lisbet Duponte
Harriette Walters
Lori Britt-Horvath
Greater NY/NJ Region 15 Team Coordinator
** Current members of the Region 15 RMT are not eligible for consideration.