The Region 15 Competition 2022 Webcast is now available on demand, and can be accessed for approximately one year. In addition to the in-person performances and ensemble chats with our webcasters, the on-demand version includes video submissions from five of our choruses.
The webcast is open to everyone! Feel free to share this registration and access information with family and friends, and all barbershop enthusiasts, so they can enjoy the performances.
There is a $25 per person access fee to the webcast. (All links and access instructions included below.)
- If you watched any of the live webcast, you will use the same login to access the on-demand version. (No additional access fee required.)
If you are new to the webcast, you will register and submit the $25 access fee.
[Reminder: The webcast fees are not a fundraiser. They only help defray the webcast vendor and production costs. If you would like to make an additional contribution to the region to support the webcast, you can DONATE here.]
Once you are logged into the webcast site, click the WATCH AGAIN button, then use the arrows on the sides of the video screen to move between these seven options:
Albany Contest Recordings
(See the links at the bottom of the webpage for video timestamps to help you locate a particular ensemble performance or webcast chat.)
* Chorus Competition
* Quartet Competition
Chorus Video Submissions
* Golden Apple
* Heart of New Jersey
* Island Hills
* Jersey Harmony
* Long Island Sound
* * * * * * * * * * * *
To access the Region 15 Competition Webcast:
Register / Pay * Login * Enjoy!
* New viewers: Use this Registration Form to pay the fee and sign up for access:
> The webcast fee is payable via PayPal – but a PayPal account is not required! You will have the option to submit payment securely via PayPal (top button) OR via a Debit or Credit Card (bottom button).
> You will receive an email from PayPal confirming your payment.
> You may receive an email from Malone Media confirming your webcast registration. (Check your spam folder. If you do not receive this, it’s OK. You will be able to sign in using the login you created. If you use the same device to register and access the webcast, your browser may remember your login!)
* Be sure to note the email and password you use – this will be your webcast login.
* Access the action via this Webcast link:
> You will access the webcast with the email address and password you use to register.
> You will be able to come and go from the webcast.
> NOTE: There can only be one login at a time from the same email address.
> See the bottom of the webpage for links to video timestamps to help you locate a particular ensemble performance or webcast chat.
* If you have access issues or need support, please contact Brian Malone at [email protected]
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Angel Fund
The RMT has a limited "Angel Fund" available to help members who may have difficulty paying for the webcast. If you are in this situation, please contact our Regional Finance Coordinator, Phyllis Capolongo, at [email protected]. All requests will be kept confidential.
In case any of the hyperlinks are broken above, here are the URLs:
PayPal Webcast DONATE link (You do not need to be a PayPal user - you can donate via debit or credit card.)
Webcast Registration Form:
Webcast Site (requires registration / login)