Heart of Long Island Chorus, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, rehearses in Bohemia, NY. We are small chorus with a big heart, singing 4 part a cappella barbershop harmony since 1960. Standing side by side on the risers – different women in many ways – the common bond is our passion for singing.
Our mission is to spread joy and love through beautiful music, to educate and enhance people’s lives with barbershop harmony, and to consistently evolve into better musicians. We accomplish this by performing for family and friends, private and community functions, and singing on the stage at our region’s annual competition.
We are currently looking for a Musical Director. The ideal candidate will possess: time-management skills, goal setting plans with timely follow-through, creative vocal techniques, and the ability to communicate constructive feedback. The new director will closely partner with the music team regarding all music related elements of the chorus, such as music selection, and planning/scheduling rehearsals and performances.
It will be an honor and a privilege to work with a director that will collaborate with us, and take us to the next level on our journey to fulfill our mission.
If this rings a chord with you or someone you know, message us on our Facebook page or email us at [email protected].