Region 15 is hosting a competition webcast, and there will be a $25 per person access fee this year. This fee covers the full weekend, for both the Quartet and Chorus competitions, as well as post-competition on-demand access. (The live webcast will have a chat function for virtual attendees during the livestream.) In addition to sharing live events from Albany on May 13 and May 14, the on-demand version of the webcast will include all on-stage performances, plus the video submissions from those who are not performing in person.
If you, or your friends and family, can't be there in Albany — join us online!
Registration is open to everyone! Feel free to share this information with family and friends, and all barbershop enthusiasts, so they can be part of Region 15’s reunion contest weekend.
You may register any time, but we recommend that you sign up right away to get your login set up and avoid any access delays.
Your Region 15 Management Team and Regional Competition Committee
To access the Region 15 Competition Webcast:
Register / Pay * Login * Enjoy!
* Use this Registration Form to pay the fee and sign up for access:
> The webcast fee is payable via PayPal – but a PayPal account is not required! You will have the option to submit payment securely via PayPal (top button) OR via a Debit or Credit Card (bottom button).
> You will receive an email from PayPal confirming your payment.
> You may receive an email from Malone Media confirming your webcast registration. (Check your spam folder. If you do not receive this, it’s OK. You will be able to sign in using the login you created. If you use the same device to register and access the webcast, your browser may remember your login!)
* Be sure to note the email and password you use – this will be your webcast login.
* On Friday and Saturday (and later, on-demand), you can access the action via this Webcast link:
> You will access the webcast with the email address and password you use to register.
> You will be able to come and go from the webcast.
> NOTE: There can only be one login at a time from the same email address.
> See below for links to ensemble stage times for the Quartet and Chorus contests.
* If you have access issues or need support, please contact Brian Malone at [email protected]
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Webcast Schedule
QUARTET CONTEST: Friday, May 13 – Webcast starts 1:00pm ET / Contest starts 1:30pm ET
CHORUS CONTEST: Saturday, May 14 – Webcast starts 2:00pm ET / Contest starts 2:30pm ET
Angel Fund
The RMT will have a limited "Angel Fund" available to help members who may have difficulty paying for the webcast. If you are in this situation, please contact our Regional Finance Coordinator, Phyllis Capolongo, at [email protected]. All requests will be kept confidential.
In case any of the hyperlinks are broken above, here are the URLs:
Webcast Registration Form:
Quartet Contest stage times
Chorus Contest stage times
Webcast Site (requires registration / login)