Colleen Marron May 16, 1950 February 19, 2021 Long Island Sound Chorus
Just hours before Colleen passed on, one of our members posted a check for her dues along with an appreciative note thanking Colleen for her generous, reliable service as our chorus’s Finance Coordinator. The news of her passing came as a shock. Our chorus members could not believe that Colleen was gone. She was always there for every rehearsal, management team meeting, fundraiser, contest and show. Colleen received anesthesia for a dental procedure, came home, went to bed, and never woke up. How could it be? Our vibrant baritone extraordinaire would sing no more. Our costume visionary whose Bob Fosse-inspired tuxedo and derby ensemble helped us win first place prize in the competition would create no more. Colleen touched every member of our chorus with her kindness and high aspirations. She brought joy to many audiences as a charismatic quartet singer. Colleen did it all during her twenty-eight-year membership as a Sweet Adeline. She sang in both Heart of Long Island and Long Island Sound Choruses. She taught choreo, mentored new members and mastered every piece of complicated baritone music presented by her directors. Colleen was like a strict, serious Mother Superior, attending to every detail until something tickled her funny bone, then, she let loose. Her musical laugh was an infectious eruption of delight from deep within her soul. When Colleen laughed we all laughed with her. Heaven has received a new angel. Rest in peace, dear friend. You will never be forgotten. The chorus has established The Colleen Marron Angel Fund in her honor to assist members who need financial help with dues.